LA UCP List of Work Types
BC | Building Construction | 236220 |
B01 | Roofing | 238160 |
B03 | Masonry | 238140 |
B04 | Ceramic | 327122 |
B05 | Plumbing | 238220 |
B06 | HVAC | 238220 |
B07 | Core Drilling | 238990 |
B08 | Wall Sawing | 238990 |
B09 | Saw Cutting | 238990 |
B10 | Asbestos Abatement | 236220 |
B11 | Grooving | 238990 |
B30 | Railroads | 482112 |
B31 | Diving Services | 238990 |
B32 | Maintenance Mowing | 561730 |
B35 | Right-of-Way Acquisitions | 531390 |
B36 | Landscape Pavers and Modular Retaing Walls | 237310 |
B40 | Scheduling | 236210 |
B41 | PVC Sewer and Drain Pipe | 237110 |
B42 | Polyethylene Pipe <15 inches in Diameter | 424610 |
B43 | Safety Equipment | 238990 |
B44 | Adhesives/Sealants/Lubricants | 238990 |
B45 | Janitorial Services | 561720 |
B46 | Full Depth Patching of Jointed Concrete Pavement | 237310 |
B48 | Commercial Cleaning | 561720 |
B49 | Stay in Place Metal Forms | 238990 |
B51 | Directional Drilling | 238990 |
B52 | Commercial Painting | 238320 |
B54 | Pipe Bending | 238990 |
B55 | Polyethylene Pipe >18 inches in Diameter | 424610 |
B56 | Crane Rental | 532412 |
B57 | Fuel Oil Transportation | 454319 |
B58 | Student Transportation | 485410 |
B59 | Non-Emergency Patient Transport | 621910 |
B60 | Collect and Process Road Survey | 488490 |
B61 | Parking Management | 488999 |
B62 | Event Planning | 561920 |
B63 | Construction Material Testing | 541380 |
B64 | Electronic Toll Collection Systems | 0 |
B65 | Freight Transportation | 488490 |
B67 | Hazardous Waste Removal | 562211 |
B68 | Crane Rental w/Operator | 238990 |
B69 | Construction Machinery & Equipment Rental & Leasing | 532412 |
B71 | RADIO ADVERTISING | 541810 |
B73 | USED CAR SALES | 441120 |
B74 | CATERERS | 722320 |
B75 | Bird Deterrent/Proofing Services | 561710 |
B76 | Noise Barrier Walls (Fiberglass) | 238990 |
B77 | FLOORING | 238330 |
B78 | Underground Utility Lines | 237110 |
B79 | Automotive Detailing Services | 811192 |
B80 | Wall Covering and Painting | 238320 |
B81 | Solid Waste Disposal | 562219 |
B82 | Mold Remediation | 562910 |
B83 | Pest and Termite Exterminating | 561710 |
B84 | Residential Building Construction | 236118 |
B85 | Joint Cleaning and Sealing | 238990 |
B86 | Pressure Washing | 238990 |
B87 | Drywall Contractor | 238318 |
B88 | House Mover | 238190 |
B89 | Building Site Preparation | 236220 |
B90 | Roll Off Containers for Hazardous/Non-Hazardous Debris | 562219 |
B91 | Plastering and Stucco | 238390 |
B92 | Machine Shop | 332710 |
B93 | Metal Fabrication | 332999 |
B94 | Concrete Block Installation | 238140 |
B95 | Wood Framing | 236220 |
B96 | Housing Weatherization | 236118 |
B97 | Parking Lot Paint Striping | 812930 |
B98 | Street Sweeping | 238990 |
B99 | Fire Protections Systems | 922160 |
CLT | Concrete Labs and Field Testing | 541380 |
CSL | Construction Layout Design | 541490 |
C01 | Geotechnical Engineering | 541330 |
C02 | Mechanical Engineering | 541330 |
C03 | Drafting | 541340 |
C04 | Architectural Engineering | 541310 |
C05 | Structural Engineering | 541330 |
C06 | Land Surveying | 541370 |
C07 | Electrical Engineering | 541330 |
C08 | Landscape Architecture | 541320 |
C09 | Civil Engineering | 541330 |
C10 | Management | 541611 |
C11 | Planning | 541611 |
C12 | Right-of-Way | 531390 |
C13 | Cartography | 541370 |
C14 | Transportation Planning | 541611 |
C15 | Research Surveys | 541611 |
C16 | Computer Analysis | 541513 |
C17 | Supportive Services | 488190 |
C18 | System Design | 541512 |
C19 | Accounting | 541219 |
C20 | Environmental Impact Assessments | 541620 |
C21 | Construction Inspections | 541350 |
C22 | Environmental Engineering | 541620 |
C23 | Insurance Management | 524210 |
C24 | Telecommunications | 517910 |
C25 | Computer System Architecture | 541412 |
C26 | Security Systems | 561621 |
C27 | Real Estate Appraisals | 531320 |
C28 | Title Abstracts | 541191 |
C29 | Relocation Assistance | 531390 |
C30 | Airport Planning and Design | 541330 |
C31 | Legal Services | 541110 |
C32 | Installation of Audio and Video Equipment | 512290 |
C33 | Traffic Counting and Data Collection | 236210 |
C34 | Procurement Specialist | 541618 |
C35 | Lighting and Lamp Design | 335122 |
C36 | Marketing | 541613 |
C37 | Contract Compliance | 541611 |
C38 | Mitigation | 541611 |
C39 | Commercial Printing | 323110 |
C40 | DNA and Forensic Testing | 621511 |
C41 | Network Security Services | 561621 |
C42 | Computer Maintenance and Repair | 811212 |
C43 | Computer Assisted Drafting | 541340 |
C44 | Information Technology | 541512 |
C45 | Business Process Analysis | 561499 |
C46 | Training Development | 541820 |
C47 | Public Relations | 541820 |
C48 | Community Involvement | 541820 |
C49 | Broker Fees for Sound Insulated Windows | 524210 |
C50 | Sound Testing | 238990 |
C51 | Broker Fees For Precast Concrete Bridges | 524210 |
C52 | Broker Fees Promotional Products | 524210 |
C53 | Performance and Payment Bonds and Insurance | 524210 |
C54 | Marine Radar/Radio Repair Services | 561621 |
C55 | Security Surveillence | 561621 |
C56 | Real Estate Evaluation and Consulting | 531390 |
C57 | DBE Plans & Goal Preparation | 541611 |
C58 | Telecommunications Call Center | 513300 |
C59 | Financial Consulting | 523930 |
C60 | Broker Fees for Ready Mix Concrete Products | 524210 |
C61 | Real Estate Sales | 524298 |
C62 | Hazardous Waste Removal | 0 |
C63 | Environmental Remediation | 562910 |
C64 | Broker Fees - Miscellaneous | 524210 |
C65 | Airport Equipment Installation and Maintenance | 0 |
C66 | Employee Background Checks | 0 |
C67 | Notary Services | 0 |
C68 | Broker Fees - Plants | 424930 |
C69 | Aerial Mapping Topographic | 541370 |
C70 | Telephone Systems | 561621 |
C71 | Fiber Optics | 518210 |
C72 | Progress Photos | 541922 |
C73 | Broker Fees for Construction Materials | 423390 |
C74 | Construction Management | 541618 |
C75 | Loan Processing | 541191 |
C76 | Defensive Driving Classes | 611699 |
C77 | Broker Fees for Trucking | 488510 |
C79 | MEDIA & ADVERTISING | 541810 |
C81 | Interior Design | 541410 |
C82 | Debris Monitoring | 541618 |
C83 | Courier Messenger Services | 492210 |
C84 | Drug Testing | 621399 |
C85 | Payroll Services | 541219 |
C86 | Deaf/Hearing Impaired Sign Language | 541930 |
C87 | Broker Fees for Janitorial Supplies | 425120 |
C88 | Architectural Services | 541310 |
C89 | Collection Agency | 561440 |
C90 | Broker of Bulk Specialty Chemicals | 424690 |
C91 | Monitor Fare Collections | 517910 |
C92 | Broker of Flooring | 238330 |
C93 | Broker Fees for Stairs, Rails, and Misc Metals | 423510 |
C94 | Human Resources Consulting | 541612 |
C95 | Stormwater Plans/Inspections | 541620 |
C96 | Traffic and Transportation Engineering | 541330 |
C97 | Broker of Playground, Pavillion & Shade Structures | 238990 |
C98 | Create Design for Playground Environments | 238990 |
D01 | Window Cleaning | 238990 |
D02 | Barrier Cables | 238120 |
D03 | Solar Energy Equipment Installation | 237130 |
D04 | Tugboat Transportation | 483113 |
D05 | Broker Fees for Mechanical Components and Assemblies | 425120 |
D06 | Electromechanical Component Repair | 811213 |
D07 | Sustainable Energy and Design | 541990 |
D08 | Stain, Score, Stamp or Polish Concrete | 238390 |
D09 | Warehouse/Storage Facility | 493110 |
D10 | Paint and Coatings Inspections | 541690 |
D11 | Dredging | 237990 |
D12 | Printing of Promotional Items | 541870 |
D13 | Wall Panel Installation | 238990 |
D14 | Timber Bridges & Structures | 238990 |
D15 | Psychological Counseling, Education and Training Center | 621330 |
D16 | Grant Research, Writing and Administration | 541611 |
D17 | Hauling of Liquid Asphalt | 484220 |
D18 | Scrubber Emission Technology | 541690 |
D19 | Heating & Air Duct/Equipment Installation | 238220 |
D20 | Social Media, On-line Marketing and Website Optimization | 541990 |
D21 | Thermal Imaging | 541990 |
D22 | Waterproofing | 238990 |
D23 | Actuarial Consulting | 541611 |
D24 | Benefit Consulting Services | 541612 |
D25 | Public Transportation | 485999 |
D26 | Construction Cost Consulting | 541690 |
D27 | Nutritionist | 621399 |
D28 | Pipeline Maintenance | 237110 |
D29 | Laundry Service | 812332 |
D30 | Language Translations | 541930 |
D31 | Automobile Driving Schools | 611692 |
D32 | Certified Welding Inspector | 238990 |
D33 | Retroreflectivity Measurement | 238990 |
D34 | Portable Bathrooms | 562998 |
D35 | Pharmacies and Drug Stores | 446110 |
D36 | Broker of Electrical Supplies | 423690 |
D37 | Office Furniture Manufacturer | 337127 |
D38 | Security Consulting | 561621 |
D39 | Roadside Assistance | 811198 |
D40 | Art Restorers | 711510 |
D41 | Granite Installers | 238340 |
D42 | Wildlife Eradication | 114210 |
D43 | Body Shop | 811121 |
D44 | Broker Fees for Concrete Pipe | 524210 |
D45 | Broker Fees for Plastic Pipe | 524210 |
D46 | Broker Fees for Metal Pipe | 524210 |
D47 | Electric Vehicle Charging Stations | 221122 |
D48 | Electric Vehicle Manufacture Representative | 221122 |
D49 | Park Ground and Recreational Improvements | 237990 |
D50 | Home Inspections | 541350 |
D51 | Tour Operators | 561520 |
D52 | Embroidering Apparel Contractor | 314999 |
G10 | No Item | 0 |
G20 | No Item | 0 |
G30 | No Item | 0 |
G40 | No Item | 0 |
G50 | No Item | 0 |
G60 | No Item | 0 |
G70 | No Item | 0 |
G80 | No Item | 0 |
G90 | No Item | 0 |
S602 | PCCP - Crossovers, Turnout | 237310 |
TRK | Trucking | 484110 |
TRK-G | General Freight Trucking | 484110 |
TRK-S | Specialized Freight Trucking | 484220 |
00A | Broker of Asphaltic Additives | 425120 |
001 | Supply of Hydraulic Cement | 237310 |
002 | Supply of Asphaltic Materials and Additives | 324121 |
003 | Supply of Aggregates | 212321 |
004 | Supply of Masonry Units | 423390 |
005 | Supply of Joint Materials for Pavement and Structures | 423390 |
006 | Supply of Concrete & Plastic Pipe | 423390 |
007 | Supply of Metal Pipe | 423390 |
008 | Supply of Paints | 444120 |
009 | Supply of Reinforcing Steel | 237310 |
010 | Supply of Fence and Guardrail | 238990 |
011 | Supply of Concrete Curing Materials | 237310 |
012 | Supply of Bridge Railings and Barriers | 237310 |
013 | Supply of Metals | 423390 |
014 | Supply of Timber and Timber Preservatives | 423310 |
015 | Supply of Signs and Pavement Markings | 238990 |
016 | Supply of Precast Reinforced Concrete Drainage Units | 423390 |
017 | Supply of Epoxy Systems | 0 |
018 | Supply of Miscellaneous Materials | 423390 |
019 | Supply of Geotextile Fabrics & Geocomposite Systems | 423390 |
020 | Supply of Traffic Signals | 423610 |
022 | Supply of Oilfield Equipment | 333132 |
023 | Supply of Work Crews - Employment Agency | 561310 |
025 | Supply of Chemicals | 424690 |
026 | Supply of Data Processing Software | 518210 |
027 | Supply of Data Processing Equipment | 518210 |
028 | Supply of Electrical Equipment | 423610 |
029 | Supply of Fertilizer and Seed | 423390 |
030 | Supply of Diamond Saw Blades | 332213 |
031 | Safety End Treatment Manufacturer | 423390 |
032 | Supply of Sac Revetment | 423390 |
033 | Supply of Batteries and Lanterns | 423710 |
034 | Supply of Geotextile Fabric and Grout | 423390 |
035 | Supply of Oil Filters | 423120 |
040 | Steel Fabricator | 423390 |
041 | Supply of Right of Way Markers | 531390 |
042 | Supply of Bedding Materials | 423390 |
043 | Supply of Safety Equipment | 423390 |
044 | Supply of Adhesives/Lubricants/Sealants | 325998 |
045 | Janitorial Supplies | 561720 |
046 | Supply of Oil & Petroleum Products | 454319 |
047 | Supply of Organically Blended Soil | 325314 |
048 | Supply of Airfield Reflective Markers, Signs & Lights | 423390 |
049 | Furnish and Install Flooring and Ceiling Products | 238330 |
050 | Concrete Pumping | 237310 |
051 | Supply of Ready Mix Concrete | 327320 |
052 | Supply of Aerial Mapping and Surveys | 541370 |
053 | Supply of Lamps and Bulbs | 423610 |
054 | Supply of Light Fixtures | 423610 |
055 | Electrical Supplies | 423610 |
056 | NO ITEM | 561320 |
057 | Office Supplies | 453210 |
058 | Interior Design Services | 541410 |
059 | Construction Machinery Manufacturing | 333120 |
060 | Supply of Railroad Materials | 482111 |
061 | Towing and Recovery | 0 |
062 | Ready Mix Concrete Manufacturer | 327320 |
063 | DBE Plan & Goal Preparation | 0 |
064 | Supply of Doors and Windows | 444190 |
065 | Supply of Highway Concrete Dividers | 423390 |
066 | Supply of Material Divider Blocks | 423390 |
067 | Supply of Parking Curbs | 423390 |
068 | Aersol Manufacturig/Packaging | 325998 |
069 | Concrete Products Manufacturing | 327390 |
070 | Supplier Bolts, Nuts and Screws | 423710 |
071 | Wholesale Seafood Supplier | 311711 |
072 | Manufacturer of Unit Pavers and Blocks | 327390 |
073 | Supply and Install Vehicle Washing Equipment | 333319 |
074 | Supply Concrete/Asphalt Release Agent | 423390 |
075 | Supply of PVC Sewer and Drain Pipe | 423390 |
076 | Supply Polyethylene Pipe Less than 15" diameter | 423390 |
077 | Manufacturer/Packager of Industrial Cleaning & Maintenance Chemic | 325100 |
078 | Supply Remanufactured Toner and Ink Cartridges | 453210 |
079 | Supply Valves, Fittings and Flanges | 423840 |
080 | Wholesale Tobacco Supplier | 453991 |
081 | Supply of Instruments and Related Products | 334513 |
083 | Auto Parts & Supplies | 423120 |
084 | Supply of Drilling Materials | 454319 |
084 | Supply of Drilling Materials | 488390 |
086 | Temporary Pavement Marking Tape Manufacturer | 238990 |
087 | Manufacturer of Crushed Concrete | 327999 |
088 | Manufacturer of Soil Cement | 327999 |
089 | Supply of Fire Protection Equipment | 922160 |
090 | Medical Supplies | 423450 |
091 | Tactical Supplies | 423850 |
092 | Paint and Coating Manufacturer | 325510 |
093 | Food Service Wholesaler | 424490 |
094 | Supply of Sheet Piling | 423390 |
095 | Manufacturer of Natural Seasonings | 311942 |
096 | Flexible Revetment | 423390 |
097 | Tarps | 423390 |
098 | Supply of Pavement Markings | 423390 |
099 | Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing | 336510 |
111421 | Nursery and Tree Production | 111421 |
111422 | Floriculture Production | 111422 |
114210 | Hunting and Trapping | 114210 |
115112 | Soil Preparation, Planting, and Cultivating | 115112 |
115310 | Support Activities for Forestry | 115310 |
201 | Clearing and Grubbing | 238910 |
202 | Removal or Relocating Structures and Obstructions | 238910 |
203 | Excavation and Embankment | 237310 |
204 | Temporary Erosion Control | 237310 |
212321 | Construction Sand and Gravel Mining | 212321 |
213112 | Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations | 213112 |
221114 | Solar Electric Power Generation | 221114 |
221122 | Electric Power Distribution | 221122 |
221210 | Natural Gas Distribution | 221210 |
221310 | Water Supply and Irrigation Systems | 221310 |
221320 | Sewage Treatment Facilities | 221320 |
221330 | Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply | 221330 |
236115 | New Single-Family Housing Construction (except Operative Builders | 236115 |
236116 | New Multifamily Housing Construction (except Operative Builders) | 236116 |
236117 | New Housing Operative Builders | 236117 |
236118 | Residential Remodelers | 236118 |
236210 | Industrial Building Construction | 236210 |
236220 | Commercial and Institutional Building Construction | 236220 |
237110 | Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction | 237110 |
237120 | Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction | 237120 |
237130 | Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Const | 237130 |
237210 | Land Subdivision | 237210 |
237310 | Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction | 237310 |
237990 | Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction | 237990 |
238110 | Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors | 238110 |
238120 | Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors | 238120 |
238130 | Framing Contractors | 238130 |
238140 | Masonry Contractors | 238140 |
238150 | Glass and Glazing Contractors | 238150 |
238160 | Roofing Contractors | 238160 |
238170 | Siding Contractors | 238170 |
238190 | Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors | 238190 |
238210 | Electrical Contractors | 238210 |
238220 | Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors | 238220 |
238290 | Other Building Equipment Contractors | 238290 |
238310 | Drywall and Insulation Contractors | 238310 |
238320 | Painting and Wall Covering Contractors | 238320 |
238330 | Flooring Contractors | 238330 |
238340 | Tile and Terrazzo Contractors | 238340 |
238350 | Finish Carpentry Contractors | 238350 |
238390 | Other Building Finishing Contractors | 238390 |
238910 | Site Preparation Contractors | 238910 |
238990 | All Other Specialty Trade Contractors | 238990 |
301 | Base Course - Class I | 237310 |
302 | Base Course - Class II | 237310 |
303 | In-Place Stabilized Cement Base Course | 237310 |
304 | Lime Treatment | 561730 |
305 | Subgrade Layer | 238990 |
306 | Scarifying & Compacting Roadbed | 238910 |
307 | Permeable Bases | 237310 |
308 | In-Place Cement Treated Base Course | 238910 |
311340 | Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing | 311340 |
311423 | Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing | 311423 |
311520 | Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing | 311520 |
311711 | Seafood Canning | 311711 |
311811 | Baker with baking from flour on premises, retailing not for immediate Consumption | 311811 |
311812 | Commercial bakeries | 311812 |
311821 | Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing | 311821 |
311824 | Dry Pasta, Dough, and Flour Mixes Manufacturing | 311824 |
311919 | Other Snack Food Manufacturing | 311919 |
311920 | Coffee and Tea Manufacturing | 311920 |
311942 | Spice and Extract Manufacturing | 311942 |
311991 | Perishable prepared food manufacturing | 311991 |
311999 | All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing | 311999 |
312229 | Other Tobacco Product Manufacturing | 312229 |
313310 | Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills | 313310 |
314910 | Textile Bag and Canvas Mills | 314910 |
315190 | Other Apparel Knitting Mills | 315190 |
315210 | Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors | 315210 |
315990 | Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing | 315990 |
315999 | Safety Equipment - Self Illuminating Safety Products | 315999 |
321912 | Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing | 321912 |
321991 | Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing | 321991 |
321992 | Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing | 321992 |
322230 | Stationery Product Manufacturing | 322230 |
323110 | Commercial Lithographic Printing | 323110 |
323111 | Commercial Printing (except Screens and Books) | 323111 |
323111 | Commercial Printing, except screen & books | 323111 |
323113 | Commercial Screen Printing | 323113 |
323114 | Quick Printing | 323114 |
323115 | Digital Printing | 323115 |
323116 | Manifold Business Forms Printing | 323116 |
323117 | Books Printing | 323117 |
323120 | Support Activities for Printing | 323120 |
324121 | Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing | 324121 |
324199 | All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | 324199 |
325193 | Bio-Diesel Manufacturer | 325193 |
325199 | Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturer | 325199 |
325314 | Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing | 325314 |
325320 | Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing | 325320 |
325510 | Paint and Coating Manufacturing | 325510 |
325611 | Soap & Other Detergent Manufacturing | 325611 |
325620 | Toilet Preparation Manufacturing | 325620 |
325998 | All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manuf | 325998 |
326291 | Rubber Product Manufacturing for Mechanical Use | 326291 |
327122 | Ceramic Wall and Floor Tile Manufacturing | 327122 |
327211 | Flat Glass Manufacturing | 327211 |
327215 | Glass Product Manufacturing Made of Purchased Glass | 327215 |
327320 | Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing | 327320 |
327331 | Concrete Block & Block Manufacturing | 327331 |
327390 | Other Concrete Product Manufacturing | 327390 |
327991 | Cut Stone and Stone Product Manufacturing | 327991 |
331210 | Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel | 331210 |
331221 | Rolled Steel Shape Manufacturing | 331221 |
332114 | Custom Roll Forming | 332114 |
332213 | Saw Blade and Handsaw Manufacturing | 332213 |
332216 | Saw Blade and Handsaw Manufacturing | 332216 |
332311 | Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing | 332311 |
332312 | Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing | 332312 |
332313 | Plate Work Manufacturing | 332313 |
332321 | Metal Window & Door Manufacturing | 332321 |
332322 | Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing | 332322 |
332323 | Ornamental and Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing | 332323 |
332420 | Metal Tank (heavy guage) Manufacturing | 332420 |
332439 | Other Metal Container Manufacturing | 332439 |
332618 | Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing | 332618 |
332710 | Machine Work | 332710 |
332812 | Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and All | 332812 |
332813 | Sandblasting Metals and Metal Products for Trade | 332813 |
332996 | Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing | 332996 |
332999 | All Other Misc Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | 332999 |
333120 | Construction Machinery Manufacturing | 333120 |
333132 | Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing | 333132 |
333319 | Other Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing | 333319 |
333413 | Industrial & Commercial Fan and Blower and Air Purification Equip | 333413 |
333922 | Conveyor and Conveying Equipment Manufacturing | 333922 |
333992 | Welding and Soldering Equipment Manufacturing | 333992 |
334220 | Radio & TV Broadcasting & Wireless Communication Equip Manufactur | 334220 |
334290 | Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing | 334290 |
334413 | Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing | 334413 |
334419 | Other Electronic Component Manufacturing | 334419 |
334511 | Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautic | 334511 |
334513 | Instruments Manuf. for Measure, Display, Ctrl Indust Process Vars | 334513 |
335122 | Comm, Indust, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufac | 335122 |
335129 | Airfield Reflective Markers, Signs & Lights - Manufacturer | 335129 |
335912 | Safety Equipment - Self Illuminating Safety Products | 335912 |
335929 | Other Communications & Energy Wire Manufacturing | 335929 |
335999 | All Other Misc Electrical Equip & Component Manufacturing | 335999 |
336211 | Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing | 336211 |
336320 | Motor Vehicle Electrical & Electronic Equipment | 336320 |
336390 | Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | 336390 |
336411 | Aircraft Manufacturing | 336411 |
336413 | Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing | 336413 |
336510 | Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing | 336510 |
336611 | Ship Building and Repairing | 336611 |
337127 | Institutional Furniture Manufacturer | 337127 |
337212 | Custom Architectural Woodwork & Millwork Manufacturing | 337212 |
337214 | Office Furniture (except Wood) Manufacturing | 337214 |
339920 | Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing | 339920 |
339950 | Sign Manufacturing | 339950 |
339999 | All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | 339999 |
401 | Aggregates Surface Course | 237310 |
402 | Traffic Maintenance Aggregates | 423390 |
403 | Aggregates Roadway Surfacing | 237310 |
423110 | Automobile and Other Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers | 423110 |
423120 | Motor Vehicle Supplies & New Parts Merchant Wholesaler | 423120 |
423210 | Furniture Merchant Wholesalers | 423210 |
423220 | Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers | 423220 |
423310 | Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers | 423310 |
423320 | Brick, Stone and Related Construction Material Merchant Wholesale | 423320 |
423330 | Roofing, Siding and Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers | 423330 |
423390 | Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers | 423390 |
423410 | Photographic Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423410 |
423420 | Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423420 |
423430 | Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant | 423430 |
423440 | Other Commercial Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423440 |
423450 | Safety Equipment - Self Illuminating Safety Products | 423450 |
423460 | Ophthalmic Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 423460 |
423510 | Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers | 423510 |
423610 | Electrical Apparatus, Wiring Supplies,and Related Equipment | 423610 |
423690 | Other Electronic Parts and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423690 |
423710 | Hardware Merchant Wholesalers | 423710 |
423720 | Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant | 423720 |
423730 | Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Merc | 423730 |
423810 | Construction and Mining Machinery & Equipment Merchant Wholesaler | 423810 |
423830 | Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | 423830 |
423840 | Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423840 |
423850 | Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 423850 |
423860 | Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) | 423860 |
423990 | Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchanct Wholesalers | 423990 |
424110 | Printing and Writing Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 424110 |
424120 | Stationery and Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 424120 |
424130 | Industrial and Personal Service Paper Merchant Wholesalers | 424130 |
424210 | Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers | 424210 |
424310 | Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods Merchant Wholesaler | 424310 |
424320 | Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Merchant Wholesalers | 424320 |
424330 | Women's, Children's, and Infants' Clothing and Accessories Mercha | 424330 |
424340 | Safety Equipment - Self Illuminating Safety Products | 424340 |
424450 | Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers | 424450 |
424490 | Other Grocery and Related Products Merchant Wholesalers | 424490 |
424610 | Plastics Materials, Basic Forms and Shapes Merch Wholesalers | 424610 |
424690 | Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers | 424690 |
424710 | Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals | 424710 |
424720 | Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bul | 424720 |
424910 | Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 424910 |
424920 | Book, Periodical and Newspaper Merchant Wholesalers | 424920 |
424930 | Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists' Supplies Merchant Wholesaler | 424930 |
424950 | Paint, Varnish and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers | 424950 |
424990 | Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | 424990 |
425110 | Business to Business Electronic Markets | 425110 |
425120 | Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers | 425120 |
441229 | All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers | 441229 |
441310 | Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores | 441310 |
441320 | Tire Dealers | 441320 |
442299 | All Other Home Furnishings Stores | 442299 |
443112 | Radio, Television, and Other Electronics Stores | 443112 |
443142 | Electronic Stores | 443142 |
444120 | Paint and Wallpaper Stores | 444120 |
444180 | Other Building Material Dealers | 444180 |
445110 | Supermarkets and Other Grocery (except Convenience) Stores | 445110 |
445131 | Convenience Retailers | 445131 |
445291 | Baked Goods Retailer | 445291 |
445292 | Confectionery and Nut Stores | 445292 |
445298 | All Other Specialty Food Retailers | 445298 |
445310 | Beer, Wine, Liquor Stores | 445310 |
446110 | Pharmacies and Drug Stores | 446110 |
446130 | Optical Good Store | 446130 |
446199 | All Other Health and Personal Care Stores | 446199 |
448110 | Men's Clothing Stores | 448110 |
448120 | Women's Clothing Stores | 448120 |
448150 | Clothing Accessories Stores | 448150 |
448190 | Other Clothing Stores - Uniforms | 448190 |
448310 | Jewelry Stores | 448310 |
449210 | Electronics and Appliance Retailers | 449210 |
451120 | Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores | 451120 |
451211 | Book Stores | 451211 |
451212 | News Dealers and Newsstands | 451212 |
451220 | Prerecorded Tape, Compact Disc, and Record Stores | 451220 |
452990 | All Other General Merchandise Stores | 452990 |
453110 | Florists | 453110 |
453210 | Office Supplies and Stationery Stores | 453210 |
453991 | Tobacco Stores | 453991 |
453998 | All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (except Tobacco Stores) | 453998 |
454210 | Vending Machine Operators | 454210 |
454319 | Other Fuel Dealers | 454319 |
456120 | Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retail | 456120 |
457110 | Convenience Food with Gasoline Stations | 457110 |
457210 | Fuel Dealers | 457210 |
459110 | Sporting Goods Retailers | 459110 |
459410 | Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers | 459410 |
459420 | Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers | 459420 |
481111 | Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation | 481111 |
481112 | Scheduled Freight Air Transportation | 481112 |
482111 | Line-Haul Railroads | 482111 |
482112 | Short Line Railroads | 482112 |
483113 | Coastal and Great Lakes Freight Transportation | 483113 |
483211 | Inland Water Freight Transportation | 483211 |
484110 | General Freight Trucking, Local | 484110 |
484121 | General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload | 484121 |
484122 | General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Less Than Truckload | 484122 |
484210 | Used Household and Office Goods Moving | 484210 |
484220 | Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local | 484220 |
484230 | Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance | 484230 |
485111 | Mixed Mode Transit Systems | 485111 |
485112 | Commuter Rail System | 485112 |
485113 | Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit Systems | 485113 |
485119 | Other Urban Transit Systems | 485119 |
485310 | Taxi Service | 485310 |
485320 | Limousine Service | 485320 |
485410 | School and Employee Bus Transportation | 485410 |
485510 | Charter Bus Industry | 485510 |
485991 | Special Needs Transportation | 485991 |
485999 | All Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | 485999 |
487990 | Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Other | 487990 |
488119 | Other Airport Operations | 488119 |
488190 | Other Support Activities for Air Transportation | 488190 |
488210 | Support Activities for Rail Transportation | 488210 |
488310 | Port and Harbor Operations | 488310 |
488330 | Navigational Services to Shipping | 488330 |
488390 | Other Support Activities for Water Transportation | 488390 |
488410 | Motor Vehicle Towing | 488410 |
488490 | Other Support Activities for Road Transportation | 488490 |
488510 | Freight Transportation Arrangement | 488510 |
488991 | Packing and Crating | 488991 |
488999 | All Other Support Activities for Transportation | 488999 |
492110 | Couriers & Express Delivery Services | 492110 |
492210 | Local Messengers and Local Delivery | 492210 |
493110 | General Warehousing and Storage | 493110 |
493190 | Other Warehousing and Storage | 493190 |
501 | Thin Asphalt Concrete Applications | 237310 |
502 | Asphalt Concrete Mixtures | 237310 |
503 | Asphalt Concrete Equipment and Processes | 237310 |
504 | Asphalt Tack Coat | 237310 |
505 | Asphalt Prime Coat | 237310 |
506 | Asphalt Curing Membrane | 237310 |
507 | Asphalt Surface Treatment | 237310 |
509 | Milling Asphalt Pavement | 237310 |
510 | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Patching, Widening & Joint Repair | 237310 |
511210 | Software Publishers | 511210 |
512110 | Motion Picture and Video Production | 512110 |
512290 | Other Sound Recording Industries | 512290 |
513110 | Newspaper publishers (except exclusive internet publishing) | 513110 |
513120 | Advertising Periodical Publishers | 513120 |
515112 | Radio Stations | 515112 |
516210 | Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, & Other Media Networks & Content Providers | 516210 |
517110 | Wired Telecommunications Carriers | 517110 |
517211 | Paging | 517211 |
517212 | Cellular and Other Wireless Telecommunications | 517212 |
517410 | Satellite Telecommunications | 517410 |
517910 | Other Telecommunications | 517910 |
517911 | Telecommunications Resellers | 517911 |
517919 | All Other Telecommunications | 517919 |
518111 | Internet Service Providers | 518111 |
518210 | Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services | 518210 |
519120 | Libraries and Archives | 519120 |
519130 | Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals | 519130 |
519190 | All Other Information Services | 519190 |
519290 | Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services | 519290 |
522320 | Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, & Clearinghouse Activ | 522320 |
523110 | Investment Banking and Securities Dealing | 523110 |
523920 | Portfolio Management | 523920 |
523930 | Investment Advice | 523930 |
523999 | Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities | 523999 |
524113 | Direct Life Insurance Carriers | 524113 |
524114 | Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers | 524114 |
524126 | Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers | 524126 |
524210 | Insurance Agencies and Brokerages | 524210 |
524291 | Claims Adjusting | 524291 |
524292 | Third Party Administration of Insurande & Pension Funds | 524292 |
524298 | All Other Insurance Related Activities | 524298 |
531110 | Lessors of Residential Buildings & Dwellings | 531110 |
531120 | Lessors of NonResidential Buildings (except miniwarehouses) | 531120 |
531130 | Lessors of Miniwarehouses and Self-Storage Units | 531130 |
531210 | Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers | 531210 |
531311 | Residential Property Managers | 531311 |
531312 | Nonresidential Property Management | 531312 |
531320 | Offices of Real Estate Appraisers | 531320 |
531390 | Other Activities Related to Real Estate | 531390 |
532111 | Passenger Car Rental | 532111 |
532112 | Passenger Car Leasing | 532112 |
532120 | Truck and Utility Trailer Rental and Leasing | 532120 |
532291 | Home Health Equipment Rental | 532291 |
532310 | General Rental Centers | 532310 |
532411 | Commercial Transportation Equipment Rental and Leasing | 532411 |
532412 | Construction Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 532412 |
532420 | Office Machinery and Equipment Rental or Leasing | 532420 |
532490 | Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing | 532490 |
541110 | Offices of Lawyers | 541110 |
541191 | Title Abstract and Settlement Offices | 541191 |
541199 | All Other Legal Services | 541199 |
541211 | Offices of Certified Public Accountants | 541211 |
541213 | Tax Preparation Services | 541213 |
541214 | Payroll Services | 541214 |
541219 | Other Accounting Services | 541219 |
541310 | Architectural Services | 541310 |
541320 | Landscape Architectural Services | 541320 |
541330 | Engineering Services | 541330 |
541340 | Drafting Services | 541340 |
541350 | Building Inspection Services | 541350 |
541360 | Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services | 541360 |
541370 | Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) Services | 541370 |
541380 | Testing Laboratories | 541380 |
541410 | Interior Design Services | 541410 |
541420 | Industrial Design Services | 541420 |
541430 | Graphic Design Services | 541430 |
541490 | Other Specialized Design Services | 541490 |
541511 | Custom Computer Programming Services | 541511 |
541512 | Computer Systems Design Services | 541512 |
541513 | Computer Facilities Management Services | 541513 |
541519 | Other Computer Related Services | 541519 |
541611 | Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Servi | 541611 |
541612 | Human Resources Consulting Services | 541612 |
541613 | Marketing | 541613 |
541614 | Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services | 541614 |
541618 | Other Management Consulting Services | 541618 |
541620 | Environmental Consulting Services | 541620 |
541690 | Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services | 541690 |
541712 | Research and Dev in the Physical, Engineering, & Life Sciences | 541712 |
541715 | Research and Dev in the Physical, Engineering & Life Sciences | 541715 |
541720 | Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities | 541720 |
541810 | Advertising Agencies | 541810 |
541820 | Public Relations Agencies | 541820 |
541830 | Media Buying Agencies | 541830 |
541840 | Media Representatives | 541840 |
541850 | Display Advertising | 541850 |
541860 | Direct Mail Advertising | 541860 |
541870 | Advertising Material Distribution Services | 541870 |
541890 | Other Services Related to Advertising | 541890 |
541910 | Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling | 541910 |
541921 | Photography Studios, Portrait | 541921 |
541922 | Commercial Photography | 541922 |
541930 | Translation and Interpretation Services | 541930 |
541990 | All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 541990 |
561110 | Office Administrative Services | 561110 |
561210 | Facilities Support Services | 561210 |
561310 | Employment Placement Agencies | 561310 |
561312 | Executive Search Services | 561312 |
561320 | Temporary Help Services | 561320 |
561330 | Professional Employer Organization | 561330 |
561410 | Document Preparation Services | 561410 |
561421 | Telephone Answering Services | 561421 |
561422 | Telemarketing Bureaus and Other Contact Centers | 561422 |
561431 | Private Mail Centers | 561431 |
561439 | Other Business Service Centers (including Copy Shops) | 561439 |
561440 | Collection Agencies | 561440 |
561491 | Repossession Services | 561491 |
561492 | Court Reporting and Stenotype Services | 561492 |
561499 | All Other Business Support Services | 561499 |
561510 | Travel Agencies | 561510 |
561520 | Tour Operators | 561520 |
561599 | All Other Travel Arrangements & Reservation Services | 561599 |
561611 | Investigation Services | 561611 |
561612 | Security Guards and Patrol Services | 561612 |
561621 | Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths) | 561621 |
561622 | Locksmiths | 561622 |
561710 | Exterminating and Pest Control Services | 561710 |
561720 | Janitorial Services | 561720 |
561730 | Landscaping Services | 561730 |
561740 | Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services | 561740 |
561790 | Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings | 561790 |
561910 | Packaging and Labeling Services | 561910 |
561920 | Convention and Trade Show Organizers | 561920 |
561990 | All Other Support Services | 561990 |
562000 | Waste Management & Remediation Services | 562000 |
562111 | Solid Waste Collection | 562111 |
562112 | Hazardous Waste Collection | 562112 |
562119 | Other Waste Collection | 562119 |
562211 | Hazardous Waste Treatment & Disposal | 562211 |
562219 | Other Nonhazardous Waste Treatment & Disposal | 562219 |
562910 | Remediation Services | 562910 |
562991 | Septic Tank & Related Services | 562991 |
562998 | All Other Miscellaneous Waste Management Services | 562998 |
601 | Portland Cement Concrete Pavement | 237310 |
601-A | PCCP Crossovers, Turnouts and Less Than 400 Foot Sections | 237310 |
601-B | PCCP -- Project by Project Basis | 237310 |
602 | Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation | 237310 |
611420 | Computer Training | 611420 |
611430 | Professional and Management Development Training | 611430 |
611511 | Colleges, Barber and Beauty | 611511 |
611513 | Apprenticeship Training Programs | 611513 |
611519 | Other Technical and Trade Schools | 611519 |
611692 | Automobile Driving Schools | 611692 |
611699 | All Other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction | 611699 |
611710 | Educational Support Services | 611710 |
621112 | Offices of Physicians, Mental Health Specialists | 621112 |
621330 | Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) | 621330 |
621340 | Offices of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, and Audiologist. | 621340 |
621399 | Offices of all other misc. Health Practitioners | 621399 |
621420 | Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centers | 621420 |
621511 | Medical Laboratories | 621511 |
621610 | Home Health Care Services | 621610 |
621910 | Ambulance Services | 621910 |
621999 | All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services | 621999 |
624120 | Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities | 624120 |
624190 | Other Individual and Family Services | 624190 |
624230 | Emergency & Other Relief Services | 624230 |
624310 | Vocational Rehabilitation Services | 624310 |
701 | Culverts and Storm Drains | 237310 |
702 | Manholes, Junction Boxes, Catch Basins, and End Treatments | 237310 |
703 | Underdrain Systems | 237110 |
704 | Guardrails | 238990 |
705 | Fences | 238910 |
706 | Concrete Walks, Drives And Incidental Paving | 237310 |
707 | Curbs and Gutters | 238110 |
708 | Right-of-Way Monuments | 531390 |
709 | Steel Cattle Guars | 238990 |
710 | Flowable Fill | 237110 |
711 | RipRap | 238910 |
711130 | Musical Groups and Artists | 711130 |
711310 | Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events with Fac | 711310 |
711320 | Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities | 711320 |
711510 | Independent Artists, Writers & Performers | 711510 |
712 | Revetments | 238990 |
712110 | Museums | 712110 |
712120 | Historical Sites | 712120 |
713 | Temporary Traffic Control | 237310 |
713290 | Other Gambling Industries | 713290 |
713940 | Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers | 713940 |
714 | Sodding | 237310 |
715 | Topsoil | 561730 |
716 | Vegetative Fiber Mulch | 561730 |
717 | Seeding | 561730 |
718 | Fertilizer and Agricutural Lime | 561730 |
719 | Landscaping | 561730 |
720 | Erosion Control Systems | 561730 |
721 | Asphalt Mulch | 237310 |
722 | Field Laboratories | 541380 |
722110 | Full-Service Restaurants | 722110 |
722210 | Limited-Service Eating Places | 722210 |
722211 | Limited-Service Restaurants | 722211 |
722213 | Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars | 722213 |
722310 | Food Service Contractors | 722310 |
722320 | Caterers | 722320 |
722330 | Mobile Food Services | 722330 |
722410 | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) | 722410 |
722511 | Full-Service Restaurants | 722511 |
722513 | Limited-Service Restaurants | 722513 |
722515 | Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars | 722515 |
723 | Granular Materials | 423390 |
724 | Rumble Strips | 237310 |
725 | Temporary Detour Roads | 561730 |
726 | Bedding Material | 237310 |
727 | Mobilization | 484110 |
728 | Jacked or Bored Pipe | 237310 |
729 | Permanent Signs | 238210 |
731 | Raised Pavement Markings | 237310 |
732 | Plastic Pavement Markings | 237310 |
733 | Concrete Roadway Barriers | 238990 |
734 | Rubblizing Portland Cement Concrete Pavment | 237310 |
735 | Mailboxes and Mailbox Supports | 237310 |
736 | Traffic Signals | 238210 |
737 | Painted Traffic Stripping | 237310 |
738 | Mulch Sodding | 561730 |
739 | Hydro-Seeding | 561730 |
740 | Construction Layout | 237310 |
741 | Water Distribution Systems | 237110 |
742 | Sanitary Sewer Systems | 237110 |
801 | General Requirement for Structures | 237310 |
802 | Structural Excavation, Backfill, and Earth Retaining Systems | 238910 |
803 | Drilled Shafts | 237310 |
804 | Piles | 238910 |
805 | Structural Concrete | 237310 |
805-A | Structural Concrete-Bridges | 237310 |
805-B | Structural Concrete - Precast Box Culverts | 237310 |
805-C | Structural Concrete - Cast in Place Box Culverts and Headwalls | 237310 |
805-8 | Precast-Prestressed Concrete Girders | 238120 |
806 | Deformed Reinforcing Steel | 237310 |
807 | Structural Metals | 237310 |
808 | Steel Grid Flooring | 237310 |
809 | Welding | 237990 |
810 | Bridge Railings, Hand Railings, Permanent Roadway Barriers, and Pier Protection Systems | 237310 |
811 | Painting and Protective Coatings | 237310 |
811111 | General Automotive Repair | 811111 |
811112 | Automotive Exhaust System Repair | 811112 |
811113 | Automotive Transmission Repair | 811113 |
811114 | Specialized Automotive Repair | 811114 |
811118 | Small Engine Repair | 811118 |
811121 | Automotive Body, Paint and Interior Repair and Maintenance | 811121 |
811122 | Automotive Glass Replacement Shops | 811122 |
811191 | Automotive Oil Change and Lubrication Shops | 811191 |
811192 | Car Washes | 811192 |
811198 | All Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance | 811198 |
811210 | Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance | 811210 |
811212 | Computer and Office Machine Repair and Maintenance | 811212 |
811213 | Communication Equipment Repair and Maintenance | 811213 |
811310 | Commercial and Industrial Machinery & Equipment Maintenance | 811310 |
811412 | Appliance Repair and Maintenance | 811412 |
811420 | Reupholstery and Furniture Repair | 811420 |
812 | Treated Timber | 423310 |
812111 | Barber Shops | 812111 |
812112 | Beautician Services | 812112 |
812199 | Other Personal Care Services | 812199 |
812210 | Funeral Homes and Funeral Services | 812210 |
812331 | Linen Supply | 812331 |
812332 | Industrial Launderers | 812332 |
812930 | Parking Lots and Garages | 812930 |
812990 | All Other Personal Services | 812990 |
813 | Concrete Approach Slabs | 237310 |
813211 | Grantmaking Foundations | 813211 |
813219 | Other Grantmaking and Giving Services | 813219 |
813319 | Other Social Advocacy Organizations | 813319 |
813410 | Civic and Social Organizations | 813410 |
813920 | Professional Organizations | 813920 |
813940 | Political Organizations | 813940 |
814 | Bearings | 237310 |
815 | Joints | 238990 |
817 | Temporary Works | 237310 |
820 | Movable Bridges | 237310 |
821 | Mechanical Systems | 237990 |
822 | Electrical Systems | 237130 |
830 | Repair and Rehabilitation | 237990 |
921190 | Other General Government Support | 921190 |
922160 | Fire Protection | 922160 |
923110 | Administration of Education Programs | 923110 |
924110 | Administration of Air & Water Resource & Solid Waste Mgmt Program | 924110 |
925110 | Administration of Housing Programs | 925110 |
925120 | Administration of Urban Planning & Community & Rural Dev | 925120 |
926110 | Administration of General Economic Programs | 926110 |
926150 | Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Misc Commercial Sectors | 926150 |