Unified Certification Program Home Page Louisiana DOTD's Home Page

LA UCP List of Work Types
BC Building Construction 236220
B01 Roofing 238160
B03 Masonry 238140
B04 Ceramic 327122
B05 Plumbing 238220
B06 HVAC 238220
B07 Core Drilling 238990
B08 Wall Sawing 238990
B09 Saw Cutting 238990
B10 Asbestos Abatement 236220
B11 Grooving 238990
B30 Railroads 482112
B31 Diving Services 238990
B32 Maintenance Mowing 561730
B35 Right-of-Way Acquisitions 531390
B36 Landscape Pavers and Modular Retaing Walls 237310
B40 Scheduling 236210
B41 PVC Sewer and Drain Pipe 237110
B42 Polyethylene Pipe <15 inches in Diameter 424610
B43 Safety Equipment 238990
B44 Adhesives/Sealants/Lubricants 238990
B45 Janitorial Services 561720
B46 Full Depth Patching of Jointed Concrete Pavement 237310
B48 Commercial Cleaning 561720
B49 Stay in Place Metal Forms 238990
B51 Directional Drilling 238990
B52 Commercial Painting 238320
B54 Pipe Bending 238990
B55 Polyethylene Pipe >18 inches in Diameter 424610
B56 Crane Rental 532412
B57 Fuel Oil Transportation 454319
B58 Student Transportation 485410
B59 Non-Emergency Patient Transport 621910
B60 Collect and Process Road Survey 488490
B61 Parking Management 488999
B62 Event Planning 561920
B63 Construction Material Testing 541380
B64 Electronic Toll Collection Systems 0
B65 Freight Transportation 488490
B67 Hazardous Waste Removal 562211
B68 Crane Rental w/Operator 238990
B69 Construction Machinery & Equipment Rental & Leasing 532412
B74 CATERERS 722320
B75 Bird Deterrent/Proofing Services 561710
B76 Noise Barrier Walls (Fiberglass) 238990
B77 FLOORING 238330
B78 Underground Utility Lines 237110
B79 Automotive Detailing Services 811192
B80 Wall Covering and Painting 238320
B81 Solid Waste Disposal 562219
B82 Mold Remediation 562910
B83 Pest and Termite Exterminating 561710
B84 Residential Building Construction 236118
B85 Joint Cleaning and Sealing 238990
B86 Pressure Washing 238990
B87 Drywall Contractor 238318
B88 House Mover 238190
B89 Building Site Preparation 236220
B90 Roll Off Containers for Hazardous/Non-Hazardous Debris 562219
B91 Plastering and Stucco 238390
B92 Machine Shop 332710
B93 Metal Fabrication 332999
B94 Concrete Block Installation 238140
B95 Wood Framing 236220
B96 Housing Weatherization 236118
B97 Parking Lot Paint Striping 812930
B98 Street Sweeping 238990
B99 Fire Protections Systems 922160
CLT Concrete Labs and Field Testing 541380
CSL Construction Layout Design 541490
C01 Geotechnical Engineering 541330
C02 Mechanical Engineering 541330
C03 Drafting 541340
C04 Architectural Engineering 541310
C05 Structural Engineering 541330
C06 Land Surveying 541370
C07 Electrical Engineering 541330
C08 Landscape Architecture 541320
C09 Civil Engineering 541330
C10 Management 541611
C11 Planning 541611
C12 Right-of-Way 531390
C13 Cartography 541370
C14 Transportation Planning 541611
C15 Research Surveys 541611
C16 Computer Analysis 541513
C17 Supportive Services 488190
C18 System Design 541512
C19 Accounting 541219
C20 Environmental Impact Assessments 541620
C21 Construction Inspections 541350
C22 Environmental Engineering 541620
C23 Insurance Management 524210
C24 Telecommunications 517910
C25 Computer System Architecture 541412
C26 Security Systems 561621
C27 Real Estate Appraisals 531320
C28 Title Abstracts 541191
C29 Relocation Assistance 531390
C30 Airport Planning and Design 541330
C31 Legal Services 541110
C32 Installation of Audio and Video Equipment 512290
C33 Traffic Counting and Data Collection 236210
C34 Procurement Specialist 541618
C35 Lighting and Lamp Design 335122
C36 Marketing 541613
C37 Contract Compliance 541611
C38 Mitigation 541611
C39 Commercial Printing 323110
C40 DNA and Forensic Testing 621511
C41 Network Security Services 561621
C42 Computer Maintenance and Repair 811212
C43 Computer Assisted Drafting 541340
C44 Information Technology 541512
C45 Business Process Analysis 561499
C46 Training Development 541820
C47 Public Relations 541820
C48 Community Involvement 541820
C49 Broker Fees for Sound Insulated Windows 524210
C50 Sound Testing 238990
C51 Broker Fees For Precast Concrete Bridges 524210
C52 Broker Fees Promotional Products 524210
C53 Performance and Payment Bonds and Insurance 524210
C54 Marine Radar/Radio Repair Services 561621
C55 Security Surveillence 561621
C56 Real Estate Evaluation and Consulting 531390
C57 DBE Plans & Goal Preparation 541611
C58 Telecommunications Call Center 513300
C59 Financial Consulting 523930
C60 Broker Fees for Ready Mix Concrete Products 524210
C61 Real Estate Sales 524298
C62 Hazardous Waste Removal 0
C63 Environmental Remediation 562910
C64 Broker Fees - Miscellaneous 524210
C65 Airport Equipment Installation and Maintenance 0
C66 Employee Background Checks 0
C67 Notary Services 0
C68 Broker Fees - Plants 424930
C69 Aerial Mapping Topographic 541370
C70 Telephone Systems 561621
C71 Fiber Optics 518210
C72 Progress Photos 541922
C73 Broker Fees for Construction Materials 423390
C74 Construction Management 541618
C75 Loan Processing 541191
C76 Defensive Driving Classes 611699
C77 Broker Fees for Trucking 488510
C81 Interior Design 541410
C82 Debris Monitoring 541618
C83 Courier Messenger Services 492210
C84 Drug Testing 621399
C85 Payroll Services 541219
C86 Deaf/Hearing Impaired Sign Language 541930
C87 Broker Fees for Janitorial Supplies 425120
C88 Architectural Services 541310
C89 Collection Agency 561440
C90 Broker of Bulk Specialty Chemicals 424690
C91 Monitor Fare Collections 517910
C92 Broker of Flooring 238330
C93 Broker Fees for Stairs, Rails, and Misc Metals 423510
C94 Human Resources Consulting 541612
C95 Stormwater Plans/Inspections 541620
C96 Traffic and Transportation Engineering 541330
C97 Broker of Playground, Pavillion & Shade Structures 238990
C98 Create Design for Playground Environments 238990
D01 Window Cleaning 238990
D02 Barrier Cables 238120
D03 Solar Energy Equipment Installation 237130
D04 Tugboat Transportation 483113
D05 Broker Fees for Mechanical Components and Assemblies 425120
D06 Electromechanical Component Repair 811213
D07 Sustainable Energy and Design 541990
D08 Stain, Score, Stamp or Polish Concrete 238390
D09 Warehouse/Storage Facility 493110
D10 Paint and Coatings Inspections 541690
D11 Dredging 237990
D12 Printing of Promotional Items 541870
D13 Wall Panel Installation 238990
D14 Timber Bridges & Structures 238990
D15 Psychological Counseling, Education and Training Center 621330
D16 Grant Research, Writing and Administration 541611
D17 Hauling of Liquid Asphalt 484220
D18 Scrubber Emission Technology 541690
D19 Heating & Air Duct/Equipment Installation 238220
D20 Social Media, On-line Marketing and Website Optimization 541990
D21 Thermal Imaging 541990
D22 Waterproofing 238990
D23 Actuarial Consulting 541611
D24 Benefit Consulting Services 541612
D25 Public Transportation 485999
D26 Construction Cost Consulting 541690
D27 Nutritionist 621399
D28 Pipeline Maintenance 237110
D29 Laundry Service 812332
D30 Language Translations 541930
D31 Automobile Driving Schools 611692
D32 Certified Welding Inspector 238990
D33 Retroreflectivity Measurement 238990
D34 Portable Bathrooms 562998
D35 Pharmacies and Drug Stores 446110
D36 Broker of Electrical Supplies 423690
D37 Office Furniture Manufacturer 337127
D38 Security Consulting 561621
D39 Roadside Assistance 811198
D40 Art Restorers 711510
D41 Granite Installers 238340
D42 Wildlife Eradication 114210
D43 Body Shop 811121
D44 Broker Fees for Concrete Pipe524210
D45 Broker Fees for Plastic Pipe524210
D46 Broker Fees for Metal Pipe524210
D47 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations221122
D48 Electric Vehicle Manufacture Representative221122
D49 Park Ground and Recreational Improvements237990
D50 Home Inspections541350
D51 Tour Operators561520
D52 Embroidering Apparel Contractor314999
G10 No Item 0
G20 No Item 0
G30 No Item 0
G40 No Item 0
G50 No Item 0
G60 No Item 0
G70 No Item 0
G80 No Item 0
G90 No Item 0
S602 PCCP - Crossovers, Turnout 237310
TRK Trucking 484110
TRK-G General Freight Trucking484110
TRK-S Specialized Freight Trucking484220
00A Broker of Asphaltic Additives 425120
001 Supply of Hydraulic Cement 237310
002 Supply of Asphaltic Materials and Additives 324121
003 Supply of Aggregates 212321
004 Supply of Masonry Units 423390
005 Supply of Joint Materials for Pavement and Structures 423390
006 Supply of Concrete & Plastic Pipe 423390
007 Supply of Metal Pipe 423390
008 Supply of Paints 444120
009 Supply of Reinforcing Steel 237310
010 Supply of Fence and Guardrail 238990
011 Supply of Concrete Curing Materials 237310
012 Supply of Bridge Railings and Barriers 237310
013 Supply of Metals 423390
014 Supply of Timber and Timber Preservatives 423310
015 Supply of Signs and Pavement Markings 238990
016 Supply of Precast Reinforced Concrete Drainage Units 423390
017 Supply of Epoxy Systems 0
018 Supply of Miscellaneous Materials 423390
019 Supply of Geotextile Fabrics & Geocomposite Systems 423390
020 Supply of Traffic Signals 423610
022 Supply of Oilfield Equipment 333132
023 Supply of Work Crews - Employment Agency 561310
025 Supply of Chemicals 424690
026 Supply of Data Processing Software 518210
027 Supply of Data Processing Equipment 518210
028 Supply of Electrical Equipment 423610
029 Supply of Fertilizer and Seed 423390
030 Supply of Diamond Saw Blades 332213
031 Safety End Treatment Manufacturer 423390
032 Supply of Sac Revetment 423390
033 Supply of Batteries and Lanterns 423710
034 Supply of Geotextile Fabric and Grout 423390
035 Supply of Oil Filters 423120
040 Steel Fabricator 423390
041 Supply of Right of Way Markers 531390
042 Supply of Bedding Materials 423390
043 Supply of Safety Equipment 423390
044 Supply of Adhesives/Lubricants/Sealants 325998
045 Janitorial Supplies 561720
046 Supply of Oil & Petroleum Products 454319
047 Supply of Organically Blended Soil 325314
048 Supply of Airfield Reflective Markers, Signs & Lights 423390
049 Furnish and Install Flooring and Ceiling Products 238330
050 Concrete Pumping 237310
051 Supply of Ready Mix Concrete 327320
052 Supply of Aerial Mapping and Surveys 541370
053 Supply of Lamps and Bulbs 423610
054 Supply of Light Fixtures 423610
055 Electrical Supplies 423610
056 NO ITEM 561320
057 Office Supplies 453210
058 Interior Design Services 541410
059 Construction Machinery Manufacturing333120
060 Supply of Railroad Materials 482111
061 Towing and Recovery 0
062 Ready Mix Concrete Manufacturer 327320
063 DBE Plan & Goal Preparation 0
064 Supply of Doors and Windows 444190
065 Supply of Highway Concrete Dividers 423390
066 Supply of Material Divider Blocks 423390
067 Supply of Parking Curbs 423390
068 Aersol Manufacturig/Packaging 325998
069 Concrete Products Manufacturing 327390
070 Supplier Bolts, Nuts and Screws 423710
071 Wholesale Seafood Supplier 311711
072 Manufacturer of Unit Pavers and Blocks 327390
073 Supply and Install Vehicle Washing Equipment 333319
074 Supply Concrete/Asphalt Release Agent 423390
075 Supply of PVC Sewer and Drain Pipe 423390
076 Supply Polyethylene Pipe Less than 15" diameter 423390
077 Manufacturer/Packager of Industrial Cleaning & Maintenance Chemic325100
078 Supply Remanufactured Toner and Ink Cartridges 453210
079 Supply Valves, Fittings and Flanges 423840
080 Wholesale Tobacco Supplier 453991
081 Supply of Instruments and Related Products 334513
083 Auto Parts & Supplies 423120
084 Supply of Drilling Materials 454319
084 Supply of Drilling Materials 488390
086 Temporary Pavement Marking Tape Manufacturer 238990
087 Manufacturer of Crushed Concrete 327999
088 Manufacturer of Soil Cement 327999
089 Supply of Fire Protection Equipment 922160
090 Medical Supplies 423450
091 Tactical Supplies 423850
092 Paint and Coating Manufacturer 325510
093 Food Service Wholesaler 424490
094 Supply of Sheet Piling 423390
095 Manufacturer of Natural Seasonings 311942
096 Flexible Revetment 423390
097 Tarps 423390
098 Supply of Pavement Markings 423390
099 Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing336510
111421Nursery and Tree Production111421
111422Floriculture Production111422
114210Hunting and Trapping 114210
115112Soil Preparation, Planting, and Cultivating115112
115310Support Activities for Forestry 115310
201 Clearing and Grubbing 238910
202 Removal or Relocating Structures and Obstructions 238910
203 Excavation and Embankment 237310
204 Temporary Erosion Control 237310
212321Construction Sand and Gravel Mining 212321
213112Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations 213112
221114Solar Electric Power Generation 221114
221122Electric Power Distribution221122
221210Natural Gas Distribution 221210
221310Water Supply and Irrigation Systems 221310
221320Sewage Treatment Facilities 221320
221330Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply 221330
236115New Single-Family Housing Construction (except Operative Builders236115
236116New Multifamily Housing Construction (except Operative Builders) 236116
236117New Housing Operative Builders 236117
236118Residential Remodelers 236118
236210Industrial Building Construction 236210
236220Commercial and Institutional Building Construction 236220
237110Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction 237110
237120Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction 237120
237130Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Const 237130
237210Land Subdivision 237210
237310Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction 237310
237990Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction 237990
238110Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors 238110
238120Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors 238120
238130Framing Contractors 238130
238140Masonry Contractors 238140
238150Glass and Glazing Contractors 238150
238160Roofing Contractors 238160
238170Siding Contractors 238170
238190Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors 238190
238210Electrical Contractors 238210
238220Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors 238220
238290Other Building Equipment Contractors 238290
238310Drywall and Insulation Contractors 238310
238320Painting and Wall Covering Contractors 238320
238330Flooring Contractors 238330
238340Tile and Terrazzo Contractors 238340
238350Finish Carpentry Contractors 238350
238390Other Building Finishing Contractors 238390
238910Site Preparation Contractors 238910
238990All Other Specialty Trade Contractors 238990
301 Base Course - Class I 237310
302 Base Course - Class II 237310
303 In-Place Stabilized Cement Base Course 237310
304 Lime Treatment 561730
305 Subgrade Layer 238990
306 Scarifying & Compacting Roadbed 238910
307 Permeable Bases 237310
308 In-Place Cement Treated Base Course 238910
311340Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing311340
311423Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing 311423
311520Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing311520
311711Seafood Canning 311711
311811Baker with baking from flour on premises, retailing not for immediate Consumption311811
311812Commercial bakeries311812
311821Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing 311821
311824Dry Pasta, Dough, and Flour Mixes Manufacturing 311824
311919Other Snack Food Manufacturing 311919
311920Coffee and Tea Manufacturing311920
311942Spice and Extract Manufacturing 311942
311991Perishable prepared food manufacturing311991
311999All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing 311999
312229Other Tobacco Product Manufacturing 312229
313310Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills313310
314910Textile Bag and Canvas Mills314910
315190Other Apparel Knitting Mills315190
315210Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors315210
315990Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing315990
315999Safety Equipment - Self Illuminating Safety Products 315999
321912Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing 321912
321991Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing 321991
321992Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing 321992
322230Stationery Product Manufacturing 322230
323110Commercial Lithographic Printing 323110
323111Commercial Printing (except Screens and Books)323111
323111Commercial Printing, except screen & books 323111
323113Commercial Screen Printing323113
323114Quick Printing 323114
323115Digital Printing 323115
323116Manifold Business Forms Printing 323116
323117Books Printing323117
323120Support Activities for Printing 323120
324121Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing 324121
324199All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing324199
325193Bio-Diesel Manufacturer 325193
325199Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturer 325199
325314Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing 325314
325320Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing 325320
325510Paint and Coating Manufacturing 325510
325611Soap & Other Detergent Manufacturing 325611
325620Toilet Preparation Manufacturing325620
325998All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manuf 325998
326291Rubber Product Manufacturing for Mechanical Use326291
327122Ceramic Wall and Floor Tile Manufacturing 327122
327211Flat Glass Manufacturing327211
327215Glass Product Manufacturing Made of Purchased Glass327215
327320Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing 327320
327331Concrete Block & Block Manufacturing327331
327390Other Concrete Product Manufacturing 327390
327991Cut Stone and Stone Product Manufacturing327991
331210Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel331210
331221Rolled Steel Shape Manufacturing331221
332114Custom Roll Forming332114
332213Saw Blade and Handsaw Manufacturing 332213
332216Saw Blade and Handsaw Manufacturing332216
332311Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing 332311
332312Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing 332312
332313Plate Work Manufacturing332313
332321Metal Window & Door Manufacturing332321
332322Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing 332322
332323Ornamental and Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing 332323
332420Metal Tank (heavy guage) Manufacturing 332420
332439Other Metal Container Manufacturing 332439
332618Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing332618
332710Machine Work 332710
332812Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and All332812
332813Sandblasting Metals and Metal Products for Trade 332813
332996Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing 332996
332999All Other Misc Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 332999
333120Construction Machinery Manufacturing333120
333132Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing 333132
333319Other Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing 333319
333413Industrial & Commercial Fan and Blower and Air Purification Equip333413
333922Conveyor and Conveying Equipment Manufacturing 333922
333992Welding and Soldering Equipment Manufacturing 333992
334220Radio & TV Broadcasting & Wireless Communication Equip Manufactur334220
334290Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing334290
334413Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing334413
334419Other Electronic Component Manufacturing 334419
334511Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautic334511
334513Instruments Manuf. for Measure, Display, Ctrl Indust Process Vars334513
335122Comm, Indust, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufac335122
335129Airfield Reflective Markers, Signs & Lights - Manufacturer 335129
335912Safety Equipment - Self Illuminating Safety Products 335912
335929Other Communications & Energy Wire Manufacturing335929
335999All Other Misc Electrical Equip & Component Manufacturing 335999
336211Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing 336211
336320Motor Vehicle Electrical & Electronic Equipment336320
336390Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing336390
336411Aircraft Manufacturing 336411
336413Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing 336413
336510Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing336510
336611Ship Building and Repairing 336611
337127Institutional Furniture Manufacturer 337127
337212Custom Architectural Woodwork & Millwork Manufacturing 337212
337214Office Furniture (except Wood) Manufacturing337214
339920Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing339920
339950Sign Manufacturing 339950
339999All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing 339999
401 Aggregates Surface Course 237310
402 Traffic Maintenance Aggregates 423390
403 Aggregates Roadway Surfacing 237310
423110Automobile and Other Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers423110
423120Motor Vehicle Supplies & New Parts Merchant Wholesaler 423120
423210Furniture Merchant Wholesalers 423210
423220Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers 423220
423310Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers 423310
423320Brick, Stone and Related Construction Material Merchant Wholesale423320
423330Roofing, Siding and Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers 423330
423390Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers 423390
423410Photographic Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 423410
423420Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers 423420
423430Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant 423430
423440Other Commercial Equipment Merchant Wholesalers 423440
423450Safety Equipment - Self Illuminating Safety Products 423450
423460Ophthalmic Goods Merchant Wholesalers 423460
423510Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers 423510
423610Electrical Apparatus, Wiring Supplies,and Related Equipment 423610
423690Other Electronic Parts and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers 423690
423710Hardware Merchant Wholesalers 423710
423720Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant 423720
423730Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Merc423730
423810Construction and Mining Machinery & Equipment Merchant Wholesaler423810
423830Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers 423830
423840Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 423840
423850Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers423850
423860Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) 423860
423990Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchanct Wholesalers 423990
424110Printing and Writing Paper Merchant Wholesalers 424110
424120Stationery and Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 424120
424130Industrial and Personal Service Paper Merchant Wholesalers 424130
424210Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers 424210
424310Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods Merchant Wholesaler 424310
424320Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Merchant Wholesalers424320
424330Women's, Children's, and Infants' Clothing and Accessories Mercha424330
424340Safety Equipment - Self Illuminating Safety Products 424340
424450Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers 424450
424490Other Grocery and Related Products Merchant Wholesalers 424490
424610Plastics Materials, Basic Forms and Shapes Merch Wholesalers 424610
424690Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers 424690
424710Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals424710
424720Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bul424720
424910Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers424910
424920Book, Periodical and Newspaper Merchant Wholesalers 424920
424930Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists' Supplies Merchant Wholesaler424930
424950Paint, Varnish and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 424950
424990Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers 424990
425110Business to Business Electronic Markets425110
425120Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers 425120
441229All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers 441229
441310Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores 441310
441320Tire Dealers 441320
442299All Other Home Furnishings Stores 442299
443112Radio, Television, and Other Electronics Stores 443112
443142Electronic Stores 443142
444120Paint and Wallpaper Stores 444120
444180Other Building Material Dealers444180
445110Supermarkets and Other Grocery (except Convenience) Stores445110
445131Convenience Retailers445131
445291Baked Goods Retailer445291
445292Confectionery and Nut Stores 445292
445298All Other Specialty Food Retailers445298
445310Beer, Wine, Liquor Stores445310
446110Pharmacies and Drug Stores 446110
446130Optical Good Store 446130
446199All Other Health and Personal Care Stores 446199
448110Men's Clothing Stores 448110
448120Women's Clothing Stores 448120
448150Clothing Accessories Stores 448150
448190Other Clothing Stores - Uniforms 448190
448310Jewelry Stores 448310
449210Electronics and Appliance Retailers449210
451120Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores 451120
451211Book Stores 451211
451212News Dealers and Newsstands 451212
451220Prerecorded Tape, Compact Disc, and Record Stores 451220
452990All Other General Merchandise Stores 452990
453110Florists 453110
453210Office Supplies and Stationery Stores 453210
453991Tobacco Stores 453991
453998All Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers (except Tobacco Stores) 453998
454210Vending Machine Operators 454210
454319Other Fuel Dealers 454319
456120Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retail456120
457110Convenience Food with Gasoline Stations457110
457210Fuel Dealers457210
459110Sporting Goods Retailers459110
459410Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers459410
459420Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers459420
481111Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation 481111
481112Scheduled Freight Air Transportation481112
482111Line-Haul Railroads 482111
482112Short Line Railroads 482112
483113Coastal and Great Lakes Freight Transportation 483113
483211Inland Water Freight Transportation 483211
484110General Freight Trucking, Local 484110
484121General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload 484121
484122General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Less Than Truckload 484122
484210Used Household and Office Goods Moving 484210
484220Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local 484220
484230Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance 484230
485111Mixed Mode Transit Systems485111
485112Commuter Rail System 485112
485113Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit Systems485113
485119Other Urban Transit Systems485119
485310Taxi Service 485310
485320Limousine Service 485320
485410School and Employee Bus Transportation 485410
485510Charter Bus Industry485510
485991Special Needs Transportation 485991
485999All Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation 485999
487990Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Other487990
488119Other Airport Operations 488119
488190Other Support Activities for Air Transportation 488190
488210Support Activities for Rail Transportation 488210
488310Port and Harbor Operations 488310
488330Navigational Services to Shipping 488330
488390Other Support Activities for Water Transportation 488390
488410Motor Vehicle Towing 488410
488490Other Support Activities for Road Transportation 488490
488510Freight Transportation Arrangement 488510
488991Packing and Crating 488991
488999All Other Support Activities for Transportation 488999
492110Couriers & Express Delivery Services 492110
492210Local Messengers and Local Delivery 492210
493110General Warehousing and Storage 493110
493190Other Warehousing and Storage493190
501 Thin Asphalt Concrete Applications237310
502 Asphalt Concrete Mixtures237310
503 Asphalt Concrete Equipment and Processes237310
504 Asphalt Tack Coat 237310
505 Asphalt Prime Coat 237310
506 Asphalt Curing Membrane 237310
507 Asphalt Surface Treatment237310
509 Milling Asphalt Pavement237310
510 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Patching, Widening & Joint Repair237310
511210Software Publishers 511210
512110Motion Picture and Video Production 512110
512290Other Sound Recording Industries 512290
513110Newspaper publishers (except exclusive internet publishing)513110
513120 Advertising Periodical Publishers513120
515112Radio Stations 515112
516210Media Streaming Distribution Services, Social Networks, & Other Media Networks & Content Providers516210
517110Wired Telecommunications Carriers 517110
517211Paging 517211
517212Cellular and Other Wireless Telecommunications 517212
517410Satellite Telecommunications 517410
517910Other Telecommunications 517910
517911Telecommunications Resellers 517911
517919All Other Telecommunications 517919
518111Internet Service Providers 518111
518210Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services 518210
519120Libraries and Archives 519120
519130Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals519130
519190All Other Information Services519190
519290Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services519290
522320Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, & Clearinghouse Activ522320
523110Investment Banking and Securities Dealing 523110
523920Portfolio Management 523920
523930Investment Advice 523930
523999Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities 523999
524113Direct Life Insurance Carriers 524113
524114Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers 524114
524126Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers 524126
524210Insurance Agencies and Brokerages 524210
524291Claims Adjusting 524291
524292Third Party Administration of Insurande & Pension Funds 524292
524298All Other Insurance Related Activities 524298
531110Lessors of Residential Buildings & Dwellings 531110
531120Lessors of NonResidential Buildings (except miniwarehouses) 531120
531130Lessors of Miniwarehouses and Self-Storage Units 531130
531210Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers 531210
531311Residential Property Managers 531311
531312Nonresidential Property Management 531312
531320Offices of Real Estate Appraisers 531320
531390Other Activities Related to Real Estate 531390
532111Passenger Car Rental 532111
532112Passenger Car Leasing532112
532120Truck and Utility Trailer Rental and Leasing532120
532291Home Health Equipment Rental 532291
532310General Rental Centers 532310
532411Commercial Transportation Equipment Rental and Leasing 532411
532412Construction Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing 532412
532420Office Machinery and Equipment Rental or Leasing532420
532490Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing532490
541110Offices of Lawyers 541110
541191Title Abstract and Settlement Offices 541191
541199All Other Legal Services 541199
541211Offices of Certified Public Accountants 541211
541213Tax Preparation Services 541213
541214Payroll Services 541214
541219Other Accounting Services 541219
541310Architectural Services 541310
541320Landscape Architectural Services 541320
541330Engineering Services 541330
541340Drafting Services 541340
541350Building Inspection Services 541350
541360Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services 541360
541370Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) Services 541370
541380Testing Laboratories 541380
541410Interior Design Services 541410
541420Industrial Design Services 541420
541430Graphic Design Services 541430
541490Other Specialized Design Services 541490
541511Custom Computer Programming Services 541511
541512Computer Systems Design Services 541512
541513Computer Facilities Management Services 541513
541519Other Computer Related Services 541519
541611Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Servi541611
541612Human Resources Consulting Services 541612
541613Marketing 541613
541614Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services541614
541618Other Management Consulting Services 541618
541620Environmental Consulting Services 541620
541690Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services 541690
541712Research and Dev in the Physical, Engineering, & Life Sciences 541712
541715Research and Dev in the Physical, Engineering & Life Sciences 541715
541720Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities 541720
541810Advertising Agencies 541810
541820Public Relations Agencies 541820
541830Media Buying Agencies 541830
541840Media Representatives 541840
541850Display Advertising 541850
541860Direct Mail Advertising 541860
541870Advertising Material Distribution Services 541870
541890Other Services Related to Advertising 541890
541910Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling 541910
541921Photography Studios, Portrait 541921
541922Commercial Photography 541922
541930Translation and Interpretation Services 541930
541990All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 541990
561110Office Administrative Services 561110
561210Facilities Support Services 561210
561310Employment Placement Agencies 561310
561312Executive Search Services 561312
561320Temporary Help Services 561320
561330Professional Employer Organization 561330
561410Document Preparation Services 561410
561421Telephone Answering Services561421
561422Telemarketing Bureaus and Other Contact Centers561422
561431Private Mail Centers 561431
561439Other Business Service Centers (including Copy Shops)561439
561440Collection Agencies 561440
561491Repossession Services 561491
561492Court Reporting and Stenotype Services 561492
561499All Other Business Support Services 561499
561510Travel Agencies 561510
561520Tour Operators561520
561599All Other Travel Arrangements & Reservation Services 561599
561611Investigation Services 561611
561612Security Guards and Patrol Services 561612
561621Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths) 561621
561622Locksmiths 561622
561710Exterminating and Pest Control Services 561710
561720Janitorial Services 561720
561730Landscaping Services 561730
561740Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services 561740
561790Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings 561790
561910Packaging and Labeling Services561910
561920Convention and Trade Show Organizers 561920
561990All Other Support Services 561990
562000Waste Management & Remediation Services 562000
562111Solid Waste Collection 562111
562112Hazardous Waste Collection 562112
562119Other Waste Collection 562119
562211Hazardous Waste Treatment & Disposal 562211
562219Other Nonhazardous Waste Treatment & Disposal 562219
562910Remediation Services 562910
562991Septic Tank & Related Services 562991
562998All Other Miscellaneous Waste Management Services 562998
601 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement 237310
601-A PCCP – Crossovers, Turnouts and Less Than 400 Foot Sections 237310
601-B PCCP -- Project by Project Basis 237310
602 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation 237310
611420Computer Training 611420
611430Professional and Management Development Training 611430
611511Colleges, Barber and Beauty611511
611513Apprenticeship Training Programs611513
611519Other Technical and Trade Schools 611519
611692Automobile Driving Schools 611692
611699All Other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction 611699
611710Educational Support Services 611710
621112Offices of Physicians, Mental Health Specialists 621112
621330Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) 621330
621340Offices of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, and Audiologist.621340
621399Offices of all other misc. Health Practitioners 621399
621420Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centers621420
621511Medical Laboratories 621511
621610Home Health Care Services 621610
621910Ambulance Services 621910
621999All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services621999
624120Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities 624120
624190Other Individual and Family Services624190
624230Emergency & Other Relief Services 624230
624310Vocational Rehabilitation Services 624310
701 Culverts and Storm Drains 237310
702 Manholes, Junction Boxes, Catch Basins, and End Treatments 237310
703 Underdrain Systems 237110
704 Guardrails 238990
705 Fences 238910
706 Concrete Walks, Drives And Incidental Paving 237310
707 Curbs and Gutters 238110
708 Right-of-Way Monuments 531390
709 Steel Cattle Guars 238990
710 Flowable Fill 237110
711 RipRap 238910
711130Musical Groups and Artists 711130
711310Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events with Fac 711310
711320Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities711320
711510Independent Artists, Writers & Performers 711510
712 Revetments 238990
712110Museums 712110
712120Historical Sites 712120
713 Temporary Traffic Control237310
713290Other Gambling Industries713290
713940Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers713940
714 Sodding237310
715 Topsoil 561730
716 Vegetative Fiber Mulch 561730
717 Seeding 561730
718 Fertilizer and Agricutural Lime 561730
719 Landscaping 561730
720 Erosion Control Systems 561730
721 Asphalt Mulch 237310
722 Field Laboratories 541380
722110Full-Service Restaurants 722110
722210Limited-Service Eating Places 722210
722211Limited-Service Restaurants 722211
722213Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars 722213
722310Food Service Contractors 722310
722320Caterers 722320
722330Mobile Food Services 722330
722410Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) 722410
722511Full-Service Restaurants 722511
722513Limited-Service Restaurants 722513
722515Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars722515
723 Granular Materials 423390
724 Rumble Strips237310
725 Temporary Detour Roads561730
726 Bedding Material237310
727 Mobilization 484110
728 Jacked or Bored Pipe 237310
729 Permanent Signs238210
731 Raised Pavement Markings 237310
732 Plastic Pavement Markings 237310
733 Concrete Roadway Barriers 238990
734 Rubblizing Portland Cement Concrete Pavment 237310
735 Mailboxes and Mailbox Supports237310
736 Traffic Signals238210
737 Painted Traffic Stripping 237310
738 Mulch Sodding 561730
739 Hydro-Seeding 561730
740 Construction Layout 237310
741 Water Distribution Systems 237110
742 Sanitary Sewer Systems 237110
801 General Requirement for Structures 237310
802 Structural Excavation, Backfill, and Earth Retaining Systems238910
803 Drilled Shafts237310
804 Piles238910
805 Structural Concrete 237310
805-A Structural Concrete-Bridges 237310
805-B Structural Concrete - Precast Box Culverts237310
805-C Structural Concrete - Cast in Place Box Culverts and Headwalls237310
805-8 Precast-Prestressed Concrete Girders 238120
806 Deformed Reinforcing Steel237310
807 Structural Metals 237310
808 Steel Grid Flooring 237310
809 Welding237990
810 Bridge Railings, Hand Railings, Permanent Roadway Barriers, and Pier Protection Systems237310
811 Painting and Protective Coatings 237310
811111General Automotive Repair 811111
811112Automotive Exhaust System Repair 811112
811113Automotive Transmission Repair 811113
811114Specialized Automotive Repair811114
811118Small Engine Repair 811118
811121Automotive Body, Paint and Interior Repair and Maintenance 811121
811122Automotive Glass Replacement Shops811122
811191Automotive Oil Change and Lubrication Shops811191
811192Car Washes 811192
811198All Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance 811198
811210Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance811210
811212Computer and Office Machine Repair and Maintenance 811212
811213Communication Equipment Repair and Maintenance 811213
811310Commercial and Industrial Machinery & Equipment Maintenance 811310
811412Appliance Repair and Maintenance811412
811420Reupholstery and Furniture Repair811420
812 Treated Timber 423310
812111Barber Shops812111
812112Beautician Services812112
812199Other Personal Care Services 812199
812210Funeral Homes and Funeral Services812210
812331Linen Supply812331
812332Industrial Launderers 812332
812930Parking Lots and Garages 812930
812990All Other Personal Services 812990
813 Concrete Approach Slabs 237310
813211Grantmaking Foundations 813211
813219Other Grantmaking and Giving Services 813219
813319Other Social Advocacy Organizations 813319
813410Civic and Social Organizations813410
813920Professional Organizations813920
813940Political Organizations813940
814 Bearings237310
815 Joints238990
817 Temporary Works237310
820 Movable Bridges237310
821 Mechanical Systems 237990
822 Electrical Systems237130
830 Repair and Rehabilitation 237990
921190Other General Government Support 921190
922160Fire Protection 922160
923110Administration of Education Programs923110
924110Administration of Air & Water Resource & Solid Waste Mgmt Program924110
925110Administration of Housing Programs925110
925120Administration of Urban Planning & Community & Rural Dev 925120
926110Administration of General Economic Programs926110
926150Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Misc Commercial Sectors 926150